Rec 2007 film
Rec 2007 film

The Vatican agent then sealed up the penthouse and left Tristana to die. While attempting to treat Tristana, the enzyme mutated and became infectious instead. He was tasked with isolating an enzyme by a demonically possessed girl, Tristana Medeiros. In it, they find the walls plastered with news clippings and a tape recording that reveals the penthouse owner to be an agent of the Vatican. Once Manu becomes bitten and infected and their path downstairs blocked by a horde of ravenous tenants, Ángela and Pablo seek shelter in the only place left – the darkened penthouse. Getting there, however, reduces their numbers to three Ángela, Pablo, and Manu. The remaining group seeks out a key that will unlock a door in the basement, through which they can escape the quarantine undetected. Soon, another infected situation erupts that dwindles the numbers further while making it even more treacherous for the survivors. He reveals that a sick dog at the vet helped the authorities trace this unique infection back to the building, allowing for the swift quarantine. Soon, a health inspector in a hazmat suit arrives and attempts to treat the injured while assessing the situation. She speaks with a sickly child, Jennifer (Claudia Silva), who shares how her dog Max is sick and at the vet. More impressively, Balagueró and Plaza saved the best for last, ending their feature on such a shocking moment that it instantly became iconic.Īfter a few more deaths occur and Álex gets critically injured, Ángela begins to interview the residents. Moving at a breakneck speed, REC 's onslaught of scares rarely gave viewers time to catch their breath. Enter Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza's REC, a 2007 found footage film that reinvigorated the sub-genre with innovative use of its style that maximized the terror from beginning to end. It's a constant struggle in genre fare, with many fizzling out before reaching the finish line. When the mysterious unknown is inherently terrifying, tidy answers can retroactively make everything that came before un-scary. Narratively, though, the genre can struggle with satisfying payoffs. In horror, the last scene tends to offer stark relief or unsettling unease via one final scare. The final moments on screen should affect the viewer emotionally on some level.

rec 2007 film

Ideal endings provide resolution and leave a lasting impression. In this edition: REC understands the importance of a satisfying payoff in horror, saving its most potent chill for last.) Endings matter. (Welcome to Scariest Scene Ever, a column dedicated to the most pulse-pounding moments in horror.

Rec 2007 film