Wanda demonstrates here on her motorcycle. Witches up to speed would use the planking technique: long and low to minimize wind resistance. The witch would ride the broom and control the flying machine remotely. (Active camouflage of some sort for example) and fix the brooms ends to it. I would use a flying machine of some sort (the "what sort" doesn't really matter in our point of view), and hide it with some sort of stealth tech. If I had to build something like that I would choose another approach: The only problem with this explanation would be, that this way the broomstick would be propelled forward with an extremely high power, so it would be very fast, hard to control and very hard to hang on. The most appealing explanation would be a rocket- or jet drive, which could - in theory - be built into the body of the broomstick, and exhaust gases could be released by shafts through the sorghum. It is also worth mentioning, that medieval-time broomsticks were not manufactured, but handcrafted so they could be directly shaped for riding like in Harry Potter movies. A practical witch might also apply weighted boots or other counterweights to maintain upward position. I mean we only see witches from quite far, and their dress hides the fine details. In this case balancing on the stick could be learned (we all have set on climbing frame rods at young ages without falling).Īn evil and promiscuous witch might ride a broomstick like man ride their horses, but I think a witch like that would be practical enough to apply a cross-rod or some sort of a saddle. I think a well-behaved witch (if there are any) would never mount the broomstick like man, but like ladies of her time.

How would they mount the broomstick without hanging from the broomstick? My answer could be decomposed into multiple points: Let's assume witches do exist and they are riding broomstick-like objects!